Our projects

Our projects

WAEster (2025-2030) : Environmental biorefinery approach for the production of fatty acid esters and co-products from microalgae cultivated on waste fermentation effluents

LeAD (2025-2029): Leveraging Anaerobic Digestion through environmental stresses

  • LBE contact: Elie Le Quéméner
  • Funding: Europe MSCA Doctoral Network
  • Partners: National University of Ireland Galway (coordinator: Wu Guangxue), Universiteit Gent, Politechnika Poznanska, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, INRAE (LBE & PROSE), Politecnico di Torino, Middle East Technical University, Technische Universitaet Muenchen

ViralSong (2025-2029): Taking viral ecology of anaerobic digestion to the next level

  • LBE contact: Jérôme Hamelin
  • Funding: ANR
  • Partners: PROSE-INRAE (coordinator), Institut Pasteur
  • Website: https://anr-viralsong.jouy.hub.inrae.fr/

ElectoMIC (2023-2028) : Electrochemically-assisted MICrobial community metabolic network optimization for biorefinery of organic waste.
LBE contact: Nicolas Bernet

  • Funding: targeted project PEPR B-BEST
  • Partners: INRAE-PROSE (co-coordinator: Théodore Bouchez), INRAE-LBE (co-coordinator: Nicolas Bernet), UMR LGC, UMR Micalis, UMR FARE, UMR MoISA, UMR LCPME

ATBR-SOL (2024-2027) : Determinants of the selection or attenuation of antibiotic resistance after the application of organic waste products on soil

  • LBE contact: Oriane Della-Negra
  • Funding: ANSES
  • Partners: ECOLAB UMR 5245 (coordinator), LBE INRAE, INTHERES INRAE/ENVT

PURPLEFIX (2025-2027): N2 fixation by purple bacteria to fix our feeding system

  • LBE contact: Gabriel Capson-Tojo
  • Funding: INRAE
  • Partners: -

INCLUE (2023-2027) : From waste to resource: Training young researchers on developing  innovative, circular solutions for waste sludge

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau
  • Funding: EU MSCA Training Network

ABCBio (2025-2026) : Contribution of biochars in the anaerobic/aerobic biological valorization cascade of biowaste: assessment of the potential for solution development

  • LBE contact: Renaud Escudié
  • Funding: Institut Carnot 3BCar
  • Partners: INRAE-LBE (coordinator), INRAE-OPAALE (Rennes), ISCR (Rennes), IMT Mines-RAPSODEE (Albi)

MODOSAO (2023-2026) : Coupling genome-based and energy-based approaches of syntrophic microbial interactions for the modelling of high-rate anaerobic digestion

  • LBE contact: Elie Le Quéméner
  • Funding: INRAE (MICA - DIGIT-BIO) and support EXPLORE#6 Univ. Montpellier
  • Partners: INRAE-LBE (coordinator: Elie Le Quéméner), UMR Biogeco, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Microbial Biotechnology Group

TAILORED (2023-2026)

  • LBE contact: Rémi Servien (coordinator)
  • Funding: ADEME
  • Partners: LBE INRAE Montpellier, ITAP INRAE Montpellier, Riverly INRAE Lyon.

TyPol-PE (2023-2026) : A Chemical-Mapping Based Approach for Prioritization of Endocrine Disrupting Environmental Contaminants

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau
  • Funding: OFB et INRAE

BIOCTANE (2022-2026) : Synergetic integration of BIOteChnology and thermochemical CaTalysis for the cAscade coNvErsion of organic waste to jet-fuel

  • LBE ontact: Eric Trably
  • Funding: Horizon Europe - RIA
  • Partners: IMDEA Energia (Espagne coordinateur), Technische Universitat Hamburg (Allemagne), INRAE-LBE, (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Espagne), AIREG - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. (Allemagne), Paul-Scherrer Institute (Suisse)
  • Webite: https://www.bioctane.eu/

Métha-HYn (2022-2026) : Development of an integrated commercial offering of in situ Biological Methanation with biological hydrogen production

  • LBE contact: Renaud Escudié
  • Funding: Investment for the Future Programme - ADEME
  • Partners: ENGIE CRIGEN Lab (coordinator), INRAE-LBE, APESA (Pau), IS2M (Mulhouse)

ECOS-M22MA01 (2022-2026) : Automatic control to improve biogas production from organic solid waste

  • LBE contact: Jean-Philippe Steyer
  • Funding: ECOS Nord
  • Partners: INRAE (coordinator), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ECOS-M22MA01 (2022-2026) : Resaerch and innovation services to promote deep digitalization of Industrial Biotechnology - towards smart biomanufacturing

  • LBE contact: Jean-Philippe Steyer
  • Funding: European Union
  • Partners: INRAE (TBI coordinator Michaël O'Donohue, PROSE, LBE), ATHENA RC Greece, BBMRI-ERIC Austria, B4C France, CNR Italy, DSMZ Germany, UNI KO-LD Germany, INSA Toulouse France, KNAW Netherlands, NTUA Greece, RWTH Germany, SPSE United Kingdom, TIMEGATE Finland, UAB Spain, UNIMAN United Kingdom, UVEG Spain, VITO Belgium, VTT Finland, WUR Netherlands

ASECT (2022-2026) A systemic approach to the circular economy in the region

  • LBE contact: Jean-Philippe Steyer
  • Funding: Occitanie Region
  • Partners: MRM (coordinators: Claire Gillet-Monjarret and Angélique Rodhain), LMDC, CEE-M, INRAE-LBE, TBI, GET, LGC

CARAPACE (2024-2025): Characterization of photogranule microbial activity as a function of incident light, agitation and biomass concentration at photobioreactor scale

  • LBE contact: Jérôme Hamelin
  • Funding: MICA & TRANSFORM INRAE divisions
  • Partners: LBE (coordinator), TBI-INSA Toulouse

MP-PEST (2024-2025) : Impact of microplastics on transport, exposition and toxicity of pesticides in food chain
LBE contact: Dominique Patureau

  • Funding: INRAE/Métaprogramme SYALSA/consortium
  • Partners: UR 1466 OPAALE (coordinator), UR 1268 BIA, UMR 1329 LABERCA, UMR 1331 Toxalim, UMR 454 MEDiS, UR 0050 LBE, UMR 1392 iEES-Paris

RIDDLE (2024-2025): Understanding the role of viruses in anaerobic waste digestion processes, from laboratory to full scale, with a view to improving anaerobic digestion plant control strategies

  • LBE contact: Jérôme Hamelin
  • Funding: MICA & TRANSFORM INRAE divisions
  • Partners: PROSE-INRAE (coordinator), MICALIS and LBE (partners)

VIRULENCE (2023-2025) : Assessing the (co)dissemination of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in resource recovery applications

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau et Laura Alvarez-Fraga
  • Funding: EU MSCA fellowship
  • Partners: LBE INRAE

E-Dip (2022-2025) : Environmental Dynamics and Impacts of contaminant
cocktails originating from Plastics in soil ecosystems

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau
  • Funding: ANR
  • Partners: IEES/Sorbonne Université (coordinator), LBE INRAE, ECOSYS INRAE, LEM/CNRS, Laboratoire CHRONO-ENVIRONNEMENT, IFPEN, Unité de Recherche Recyclage et Risque/CIRAD, ARMINES et MINES Paris, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, Laboratoire Institut de Chimie de Nice

MEMOS (2022-2025): digital environmental engineering platform for omics data

  • LBE contact: Elie Le Quéméner
  • Funding: Ressourcement Carnot 3BCAR
  • Partners: INRAE-PROSE (coordinator: Ariane Bize), INRAE-LBE

Plastisol (2022-2025) : Fate of microplastics in soils - what indicators of sources, levels and impacts on soil quality and health?

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau
  • Funding: ADEME
  • Partners: IEES/Sorbonne Université (coordinator), LBE INRAE, ECOSYS INRAE, LEM/CNRS, Laboratoire CHRONO-ENVIRONNEMENT, IFPEN, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement

ACV-Ecoto(Mi)x (2021-2025) : Adaptation of Life Cycle Assessment methods to evaluate the ecotoxicological impact of mixtures of chemical contaminants introduced into soils by organic waste products

  • LBE contact: Dominique Patureau ou Rémi Servien
  • Funding: ADEME
  • Partners: CIRAD Recyclage et risque (coordinator), INERIS, LBE INRAE, ECOSYS INRAE

Photofor (2021-2025): PhD thesis on "Photogranules for a more sustainable wastewater treatment"

  • LBE contact: Jérôme Hamelin & Kim Milferstedt
  • Funding: SUEZ
  • Partners: CIRSEE-SUEZ

BioMIntens (2021-2025) : Valorization of CO2 through BIOMethanation and INTENSification of gas-liquid mass transfer

  • LBE contact: Renaud Escudié
  • Funding: ANR - French National Research Agency
  • Partners: Institut Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand, coordinator), INRAE-LBE (Narbonne), LMGE (Clermont-Ferrand), SAS Bio-Valo (Rioms).

In this folder

Statistical develoPments and ApplicatioN on Oxygenic photogRAnules for longitudinal Multi-omICS data Project ANR-21-CE45-0036-01 of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche From April 2022 To March 2026.