

Modeling is one of the scientific pillars of SAMI. Whether studying the behavior of biological systems of interest, testing hypotheses, controlling, observing or more generally formalizing knowledge, modeling is at the heart of our concerns. In particular, SAMI researchers are involved in several innovative projects aimed at (i) developing models not only for simulation but also for control and optimization that require models of different nature, (ii) to apply concepts such as Thermodynamics to improve the predictive capacity of current models to better describe ecosystem growth, iii) use of - not only deterministic - but also stochastic models for modeling diauxic phenomena for environmental biorefinery, iv ) studying interactions between all the components of the microbial ecosystems including the microscopic (metabolic) determinants of the behaviors observed at the level of the populations... To this end, concepts of ecology are used in connection with the basic concepts of engineering Processes and applied mathematics such as the so-called ‘theory of the chemostat’.


Jérôme Harmand

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 26 September 2017 | By: LBE