Thematic Object Qual-I

Thematic Object Qual-I

The Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology is divided into 5 thematic objects (OT). You will find below the different research axes of the third TO : TO Product Quality and Impacts on Receiving Environments (Qual-I).


The TO Qual-I, for “Product Quality and Impacts on Receiving Environments” brings together around ten researchers, technicians, engineers, doctoral students and post-docs working on issues related to the nexus “treatment and recovery processes - ecosystems ”. Research questions concern the closing of carbon and nutrient cycles as well as the dissemination of organic and microbiological contaminants (pathogen, resistance gene), for example in the context of digestate application or reclaimed wastewater for irrigation.
The operational objective of the TO is to develop or use approaches or tools to answer these questions in an integrated way, by crossing viewpoints and various disciplinary skills. More specifically, the aim is to design and adapt process/treatment chain to meet a given quality/product specification, or using process and ecosystem engineering to adapt the quality of products to their uses and understand the behaviour of contaminants (the process is no longer an end in itself, but a tool to explore/exacerbate phenomena).

Contact : Dominique Patureau