Jérôme Hamelin
Directeur de Recherche

Research topics

Scientific production (ORCID): https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3601-6349

  • Ecological engineering of microbial ecosystems from bioprocesses
  • Coalescence of microbial communities in the environmental biorefinery context
  • Photogranules for wastewater treatment and resource recovery for the bioeconomy
  • Link between community structure, microbial interactions and functionality
  • Understanding community assembly rules to pilot microbial ecosystems

Education, previous and current positions

2017-current: Research Director at INRAE-LBE, Narbonne (France)
2019: Sabbatical stay at University of Massachusetts – UMass Amherst (USA)
2005-2016: Research Scientist at INRAE-LBE, Narbonne (France)
2015: French Habilitation to Supervise PhD students (HDR) in Microbial Ecological Engineering, University of Montpellier (France)
2003-2005: Post-doc position at University of Neuchâtel and ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
2003: PhD in microbiology from University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
1999-2003: Teaching and Research Assistant in microbiology at University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
1997-1999: National duty as Research Scientist at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) Dakar (Senegal)
1992-1997: Bachelor and Master from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (France)

Professional involvements

2009-2024: Deputy head of the INRAE-LBE laboratory
2017-2020: Responsible of the research team DIIEM
2019-current: Member of the steering committee of the INRAE Holoflux metaprogram (Holobionts and microbial fluxes in the agri-food chain)
2018-current: Recommender for Peer Community in Ecology (PCI Ecology)
2022-current: Recommender for Peer Community in Microbiology (PCI Microbiology)