

In the waste treatment sector, various processes constitute sources of aerosols, such as activities on composting and wastewater treatment plants, spreading of organic waste on soil, or sprinkler irrigation of treated wastewater. We study bioaerosols by

  • characterizing the microbial diversity, the fate and dispersal of microorganisms after aerosolisation,
  • identifying the main drivers of aerosolization,
  • developing specific indicators and methodologies to measure the area impacted by the emission of bioaerosols. 

Picture : Collecting bioaerosols during the turning of a pile on a composting plant


ANR project Phycover


  • Le Goff O., Godon J.-J., Milferstedt K., Bacheley H., Steyer J.-P., Wéry N. (2012). A new combination of microbial indicators for monitoring composting bioaerosols. Atmospheric Environment, 61:428-433.
  • Wéry N. (2014) Bioaerosols from composting facilities - a review. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Vol 4, 42:1-9.
  • Galès A., Latrille E., Wéry N, Steyer J-P, Godon J-J. (2014). Needles of Pinus halepensis as Biomonitors of Bioaerosol Emissions. PLoS ONE, 9(11): e112182.
  • Galès A., Bru-Adan V., Godon, J.-J., Delabre, K., Catala, P., Ponthieux, A., Chevallier, M., Birot, E., Steyer, J.-P., Wéry, N. (2015). Predominance of single bacterial cells in composting bioaerosols. Atmospheric Environment, 107: 225-232.
  • Sialve B., Gales A., Hamelin J., Wéry N., Steyer J.-P. (2015) Bioaerosol emissions from open microalgal processes and their potential environmental impacts: what can be learned from natural and anthropogenic aquatic environments? Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 33: 279-286.


Nathalie Wéry

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 26 September 2017 | By: LBE